Addon Armory: PassLoot

Funny side-note about my blog: Thus far, Addon posts are my most popular posts. Funny how that works, cuz they are my favorite feature of wow. Today i decided to take a look at Rift. Ten minutes later i found out you cannot have addons in Rift. That’s the end of letting my eyes wander!

So! PassLoot! What is it? It is a convenience addon, an addon to automate the mind numbingly monotonous task of loot rolling! PassLoot allows you to use a ruleset for loot when you are in groups so that it will automatically roll on items within your ruleset. Personally, i utilize PassLoot to auto-roll the greed or DE option on all Green loot all the time. Sure, i give up rolling need on greens that would actually be an upgrade during leveling, but really, leveling is trivial these days, so i can’t imagine i am loosing out on very much. Once I have obtained all of the blue items that are ever going to be an upgrade, i bump it up to auto roll greed or DE on all blues too, but that’s not happening so easily since the end of Wrath with heroics only dropping blues. This makes me sad panda 😦

More in depth review after the break!

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